Sunday, March 9, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold Al Gore was a potential president of United states of America and a Vice president. Born in Washington March 31, 1948. His family had a farm In Carthage were he grew up there for a period of time. Gore also joined the US Army in Vietnam were he was a field reporter.

In December 2007, he was rewarded a Nobel Peace Prize due to his work and researches for his Raising a awareness about global warming. Global warming results in the greenhouse effects which houses the gases inside the earth’s atmosphere preventing them going back to space. Thus, it gets the earth is getting warmer and is melting the ices in both poles. Moreover, these poles reflect 90% of the heat at them that comes from the sun, without these poleices the seas temperature will increase. Also there will be flood which most of the world cities will be under the water and cartographers should re-make the world’s map.

Temperature these years have increased a lot faster than it had risen in the past. If people didn’t start reducing the use of fossil fuels and get some benefits from natural sources, then the following generations will suffer from lack of natural sources. The life cycle of animals, trees and insects will change dramatically and the balances will change which will cause them to die and maybe extinct.


sager174blogproject said...

nice way of summerizing the topic....keep it up

Mohammed said...

thanks for passing by Sager