Wednesday, April 9, 2008

About Me

I'm a student at ADMC. I've been studying in the college for 2 years by the end of this semster. I'm from Abu Dhabi. I really enjoy studying in college for some reason. I wished that the college has archetict engineering but unfortunately there isn't so I'll be studying civil engineering after this course ends.

I spent my most time outside with my friends and at the weekend to decide to have some fun anywhere like camping, fishing and jetskiing. In my free time, usually I access to the internet by logging in my msn messenger and chatting with my buddies. The most addicted to the online game called " world of warcraft " I just keep playing it with my friends. However, It's said that it is a waste of time and I agree with that because the game is so interesting and you will never know that until you see it.

This blog is for global warming and other issues. I hope you enjoy it.


mansoor 174 blog project said...

My name is mansoor. My age is 20 years old.I hope to continue your skills in english to be important man in the future.

Mohammed said...

thanks a lot Mansour for passing by and for the comment

Nice to meet you.

Eisa said...

Asalam Alaikom,

I have read through your articles and I can say we have a few things in common like Enjoying our lives while studying in this amazing college. I have tried the game you mentioned "World of Warcraft", I am amazed how people get addicted to it, I mean that I have tried it myself but I really enjoyed it, but I didn't see in it what you saw in it.

here is my blog have a look at it when you have time

Mohammed said...

I really appreciate your effort in reading my blog.

thanks alot