Wednesday, April 9, 2008

About Me

I'm a student at ADMC. I've been studying in the college for 2 years by the end of this semster. I'm from Abu Dhabi. I really enjoy studying in college for some reason. I wished that the college has archetict engineering but unfortunately there isn't so I'll be studying civil engineering after this course ends.

I spent my most time outside with my friends and at the weekend to decide to have some fun anywhere like camping, fishing and jetskiing. In my free time, usually I access to the internet by logging in my msn messenger and chatting with my buddies. The most addicted to the online game called " world of warcraft " I just keep playing it with my friends. However, It's said that it is a waste of time and I agree with that because the game is so interesting and you will never know that until you see it.

This blog is for global warming and other issues. I hope you enjoy it.

Introduction to Global warming

Global warming affects the weather indirectly and this has a bad result on our earth. Trapped Gas which is of course Carbon Dioxide is the most comes from combustion process. Global warming saves the earth balance of nature and perhaps balance of life. As more as the gasses get trapped in Green house effects the more heat it gets.

Another important thing that some of animals in past decades are getting decreased and unfortunately will result their extinction, especially mammals animals are moving into the poles which is considered a place that is getting hot due to the high temperature.

People could use Natural resources and reduce using other chemical sources and also reduce using the oil. There is 1 kind of oil which has a limited percentage of led which is lowest the pollution in the atmosphere.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My opinion about Inconvenient Truth

The movie was interesting because it grabbed my attention. Al Gore explained about the global warming and he showed how the world was some decades ago and how is it in recent days.

The movie was about Al Gore making the people aware about the impact of the global warming in our environment. Global warming is rising temperatures as more amount of green house gases are released in the air. As a result of the temperature rise, the glaciers melting could cause a catastrophe by flooding the cities and towns near the shores. However, Al Gore says what will happen if the human begins neglect the importance of decreasing the greenhouse effect gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Moreover, I don’t find Al Gore mentioned any point that I don’t agree with.

Al Gore comment’s was had an impact on the audience and also on the movie watchers. In addition, the images were very supporting of Al Gore’s speech. On the other hand, the music fits the moods Al Gore was creating from tragic to memories. I really rate the movie as 10 of out 10 due to its everyone life and everyone should care about this world.

Here's a link for a voicethread about this opinion:

An Inconvenient Truth

Albert Arnold Al Gore was a potential president of United states of America and a Vice president. Born in Washington March 31, 1948. His family had a farm In Carthage were he grew up there for a period of time. Gore also joined the US Army in Vietnam were he was a field reporter.

In December 2007, he was rewarded a Nobel Peace Prize due to his work and researches for his Raising a awareness about global warming. Global warming results in the greenhouse effects which houses the gases inside the earth’s atmosphere preventing them going back to space. Thus, it gets the earth is getting warmer and is melting the ices in both poles. Moreover, these poles reflect 90% of the heat at them that comes from the sun, without these poleices the seas temperature will increase. Also there will be flood which most of the world cities will be under the water and cartographers should re-make the world’s map.

Temperature these years have increased a lot faster than it had risen in the past. If people didn’t start reducing the use of fossil fuels and get some benefits from natural sources, then the following generations will suffer from lack of natural sources. The life cycle of animals, trees and insects will change dramatically and the balances will change which will cause them to die and maybe extinct.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Carbon footprints

A carbon footprint is a method to get the mount of the carbon dioxide that we produce from what we use. It let us also to know about of amount of the greenhouse effects we effect.

In some environmental organization they have made a method how we measure the carbon footprint in a simple method by answering some multiple questions. I calculated my carbon footprint through the two websites in "“and"". There were a varies of questions including type of transportation and electricity use.

My carbon footprint of the both sides was 7.955. I also have taken five of the students carbon footprint, I ranked the 1st and the lowest was using 6.515.
My advice is that we have to start to think about our planet future by developing high technology industry and reduce our electricity usage. Moreover, Its really recommended to start using renewable sources than non renewable resources.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cool city

Since the Industrial revolution some problems has started, such as rising in population, increase in energy consumption, increasing in carbon dioxide emission into the air and the traffic delay.

Solving these problems in the coming new days would save us thinking to live in another planet if people ignore these problems. People should decrease the amount of the carbon dioxide emitted into the air by 50% to live within the capacity of a single earth. Japan DPA( Gross Domestic Product ) has gone up in past 30 years by 100% and also increase 37% and 8% was decreased in oil consumption.

A Japanese organization made from companies called SDCJ has planned of a project named cool city. Cool city is Model city have a various technologies to cool the air and reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by 60%. This city cars is hybrid, water taxi would be available and light mono rails as well. In addition, the city radius is estimated to 1KM which means that everything inside the city is easy to reach by walking. Cool city uses solar farms which is surrounded to many trees to prevent and hold sand storms.